The morning began foggy but would burn off later. I was still plagued by work problems and hoping to shake it soon. Called work and the contacts I needed, ended up in a conference call at 9:30 am in the parking lot of the motel I was staying at. It felt good to get this sorted out before launching into my vacation. I didn't want the problems of work on my mind as I rode my motorcycle.
With work dispensed with and now truly in vacation mode I was ready to try out the first ride - New River Gorge. Started with a visit to the Carnifax Ferry Battlefield. Very interesting place with great signage. I'd like to visit that again.
Moved on to the Summerville Dam. Nice view and the lake is pretty. Realized that everyone drives fast just like everywhere else. Even if I was riding over the speed limit I found someone right behind me. I either sped up or I'd find a place to safely pull over and let them pass. 39 from Summervile is a food road - had lots of fun on that one.
After the dam, headed to Hawks Nest State Park. I really liked 16 but it is technically challenging. The road almost seems to fold in on itself in several places. You can see the scrapes in the pavement where cars have bottomed out. The views were intense from the lookout platforms. Highly recommended.
New River Gorge Bridge was next on the list. It's quite the ride on a bike - it's straight as an arrow but you feel like you are on top of the world. Only a motorcyclist will experience this kind of thrill. You're just not going to get in a car. Maybe a bit in a convertible. The visitor center was OK and worth a look to get some local history. I used CR82 from the visitor center to head south. CR82 is the old route that people used to cross this section of the river. You really felt like you were going back in time. The road is tight and narrow and even difficult for motorcycles to travel on.
Final stop of the day was in Thurmond. Very nice ride out to this old rail town that is being run by the National Park Service. Worth it - go see it.
Wrapped up the day by travelling 61 to 41. Don't miss the Prince Rail Station.
Day 4
I had moved from the motel the day before and had setup camp before leaving for the days travels. This was the fist morning at the campsite and as I began preparing breakfast I realized that I didn't bring camp fuel. No warm food - no hot tea. I headed into town and grabbed breakfast at the Bob Evans. I know, I know - I'd liked to have found a local establishment but those seem to be far and few between these days as the chains and the box stores have moved in and wiped those places off the map. Made a stop at Spral-Mart for the requisite supplies.
First stop is Babcock State Park - wanted to see the Gris Mill. Very picturesque, would like to camp at this park - looked better than where I was staying. Next headed towards Sand Stone Falls on 20. Took a pictures form the overlook but did not go to the falls themselves. I thought I had less time and could have made the stop. But, so many places and things to do.
Went through Hinton - another nice size town with interesting history.
This was a day of misses. I missed the John Henry statue - the parking lot had been taken over by road crews. It would have been a nice break. Then I wanted to stop in Lewisburg but the traffic was crazy! I almost got taken out by an SUV. I motored on back to my camp site and arrived at 4:00 pm.
Whew! On the suv encounter! This was a very fun read! Having that WVA tourism book really helps while I'm reading your entry. I'm looking up the places as you mention them. The Leatherman article is like reading another version of your ride. You haven't mentioned many animals---did you just not see very many on this trip?
BTW, what did you do with all that time once you returned to your campsite? Practice? Hike? What time did it get dark there?
Hi Soujorner,
I spent time practicing guitar, cooking dinner and reading.
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